4.7 White label solution for brokers

The solution for brokers will be provided via the White Label system. This approach will allow the 1xBinary platform to attract a critical mass of users as soon as possible, as well as have representatives in all strategically important regions.

The advantages of this solution for broker companies are as follows:

▸ lack of significant financial expenses, as you will work under our licenses;

▸ completely legal scheme of cooperation;

▸ increased income of your company;

▸ promotion of our technological solution under your own brand;

▸ connection to a common pool of liquidity.

The role of the broker in the 1xBinary ecosystem is reduced to attracting traders to their platform. All the rest is provided by 1xBinary Lab Limited.

Detailed terms of cooperation for brokers will be published in a separate document before the commercial launch of the solution

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